IBRACORP - https://ibracorp.io YouTube: https://youtube.com/c/IBRACORP GitHub - https://github.com/ibracorp unRAID Forum - http://bit.ly/2MwDPTV Discord - https://discord.gg/VWAG7rZ Twitter - https://twitter.com/IBRACORP_IO
https://github.com/petio-team/petio https://petio.tv/ https://docs.petio.tv/
petio Hotio's Repository Downloaders, MediaApp:Other
Request, review and discover companion app for plex.
Allow your users to interact with media both on and off your server with this app.
Available as a docker image and also as binaries.
Features a React frontend utilizing Redux and a Node JS express API and MongoDb database.
The app is built to appear instantly familiar and intuitive to even the most tech-agnostic users.
Petio will help you manage requests from your users, connect to other third-party apps such as Sonarr and Radarr, notify users when content is available and track request progress.
Petio also allows users to discover media both on and off your server, quickly and easily find related content and review to leave their opinion for other users.
Petio is an ongoing, forever free, always evolving project currently in alpha prototype stage and now available!
Prefer a video guide? Here's the video version of this documentation:
Petio requires a MongoDB instance running to use as it's database. If you don't already have an instance running, perform the following: 1. Head to the Community Applications store in Unraid 2. Search for and click to install 'MongoDB' from Taddeusz' Repository 3. If you are using a custom Docker network, select it in the 'Network Type' field. 4. Enter the host port you want to map for connections. By default it is 27017
. Only change it if this port is already in use. 5. Click Apply and wait for the container to pull down and start.
Head to the Community Applications store in Unraid
Search for and click to install 'Petio' from Hotio's Repository
We recommend selecting the 'Default' branch (aka. :latest)
If you are using a custom Docker network, select it in the 'Network Type' field.
Enter the host port you want to map for the WebUI. By default it is 7777
. Only change it if this port is already in use.
Click Apply and wait for the container to pull down and start.
In your Docker tab in Unraid, left-click the Petio container select 'WebUI'.
With the WebUI open, select "Login with Plex".
Configure a Petio Admin Password.
Select the Plex server you want to add to Petio from the list of available servers.
On the setup screen for Mongo Database, you have three options:
If your MongoDB and Petio containers are on the same custom Docker network, use the Docker tab in the setup screen and enter the name of your Mongo container and port. For example: mongodb:27017
If they are not on the same custom Docker network, select the Unraid tab in the setup screen and enter the host IP address and port of your Mongo container. For example:
Click the Test button and make sure you get a green tick to signal the connection to your DB was successful.
Once confirmed, click Finish and wait for Petio to set itself up. It will automatically create it's database entries and build its libraries.
Note: it can take a few minutes so just be patient. The size of your Plex library and server connection can impact this process.
You should now be on a login screen for Petio. 1. Sign in with your admin email and Petio password OR Login with Plex 2. Once signed in you will land on the Admin Dashboard. (Petio devs have flagged updates to this screen in the future) 3. Head to the Settings tab to begin configuring various settings.
There are many which are covered in the Petio docs in the Useful Links and our Video Guide sections above.
We recommend you configure at least your Radarr and Sonarr instances to support the media request automation process.
Petio developers and moderators AshDyson, JustMichael and PotentialIngenuity for their input and guidance.
Our Discord community and our Community Leaders DiscDuck and Hawks for their input and documentation.
IBRACORP - https://ibracorp.io YouTube: https://youtube.com/c/IBRACORP GitHub - https://github.com/ibracorp unRAID Forum - http://bit.ly/2MwDPTV Discord - https://discord.gg/VWAG7rZ Twitter - https://twitter.com/IBRACORP_IO
Docker Folder - Unraid Forums: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/89702-plugin-docker-folder Docker Folder - GitHub: https://github.com/GuildDarts/unraid-plugin-docker.folder
Docker Folder GuildDart's Repository Tools:System, Plugins
Head to the Community Applications store in Unraid
Search for and click to install 'Docker Folder' from GuildDart's Repository
Head to your Docker tab and scroll to the bottom to click 'Add Folder'
Select Advanced View from the top-right corner
Give your folder a name
Upload an Icon (optional). If you want to use animated icons (recommended) see Animated Icons below.
Select the next few checks and toggles (all others are default): 1. Container/VM Preview:
Select Icon Label:
Make text orange on update
Add show log icon
Add show webUI icon
Preview advanced context menu
Graph mode: Combined
Status icon autostart
Check the Docker Containers you wish to have listed in this folder.
A container can only exist in one folder at any one time.
If you create a folder later and check an app which is already in an existing folder, it will move it to the new one.
Head to your VM tab in Unraid
Follow the above steps for Docker
If you wish to use animated icons, Hernandito has made some amazing ones for the community found here: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/92824-icon-collections-for-docker-folder-plugin/ https://github.com/hernandito/unRAID-Docker-Folder-Animated-Icons---Alternate-Colors
Select the colour scheme you want to use (or different ones if you like)
Navigate into the folder for that colour scheme (i.e. Orange-Collection)
Click on the icon you want to use (i.e. orange-binoculars.svg)
Right click the image and select "Copy image address" (or relevant option for your browser)
Paste the link you just copied into the Icon field in a Docker Folder which you are creating or have already created
IBRACORP - YouTube: GitHub - unRAID Forum - Discord - Twitter -
Prefer a video guide? Here's the video version of this documentation:
PWM Sycotix's Repository Tools:Security
Head to the Community Applications store in Unraid
Search for and click to install 'PWM' from Sycotix's Repository
The template does not need any modifications past the port you want to reach it on, if the default of 8282 is already in use on your system.
Click done and wait for the container to pull down and start.
Open your MariaDB in Adminer (or use CLI if you prefer) and create a database called 'pwm'.
Create a user and password for the new database called 'pwm' - and grant it all privileges.
In your FreeIPA server, ensure you have a test user account. It does not require any special privileges and should be a normal user. \
**Tip: Default behaviour in FreeIPA means that when an admin user sets or resets a users password, it will automatically expire immediately. \
Sign in to FreeIPA as that user to ensure the proper password is in place. Check the expiration date of the password to be sure it's valid.**
With all the above done we are now prepared for configuration.
Left-click the PWM container and open the WebUI \
Once you see the WebUI, click Next to begin the Configuration
Select the 'Manual Configuration' option
Set a Configuration Password. This will be required any time you wish to edit the config of PWM.
Now, you can configure all the below settings. \
With all the above configured, you have the minimum required to connect to your FreeIPA LDAP and use it for authentication.
Select Save in the very top-right of the Configuration Editor.
Once it sends you back to the login screen, select Configuration Manager.
Check that everything looks okay, it should look like this:
If it all looks clear, head to your home page and try to sign in with your FreeIPA admin account. This will allow you to check that authentication is working.
Once you sign in using an authenticated account successfully, you must now take PWM out of Configuration Mode.
Head to the Configuration Manager and select Restrict Configuration.
You may also need to try the following settings to resolve common problems:
IBRACORP - YouTube: GitHub - unRAID Forum - Discord - Twitter -
Usenet support for any Newznab compatible indexer, including Headphones VIP
Torrent support 400+ trackers & more coming soon
Indexer Sync to Sonarr/Radarr/Readarr/Lidarr, so no manual configuration of the other applications are required
Indexer History and Statistics
Manual Searching of Trackers & Indexers at a category level
Support for pushing releases directly to your download clients from Prowlarr
Indexer health and status notifications
Head to the CA Store in Unraid
Search for Prowlarr. You have two options - The Linuxsever Repository or Hotio's Repository
Set the Network Type to your custom Docker network
To do this, open the terminal in Unraid and type (Where 'somename' is anything you'd like to call it.):
Check the port and appdata location meet your needs
Apply & Submit
Select Add Indexer
Choose which Indexer you want to use
Give it a name
Select the suitable app profile
Set Download Link to magnet
Sort requests from site as you prefer
Set the priority this indexer should be treated. 1 is Highest, 50 is lowest. Default is 25.
Test and save if successful.
Go to Settings > Apps
Add an app, in this example Radarr
Give it a name
Choose the sync level.
Add and Remove Only: When it is added or removed from Prowlarr, it will update this remote app.
Full Sync: Will keep this app fully in sync. Changes made in Prowlarr are then synced to this app. Any change made remotely will be overridden by Prowlarr on the next sync.
Apply any relevant tags
Add your Prowlarr server details. If using a custom docker network which both Prowlarr and Radarr are on, you can use the name of the container. Otherwise, use the IP of the server. i.e. http://prowlarr:9696
Configure the same for the Radarr server as above.
For the API key, in Radarr, copy the API key by going to Settings > General
Test & Save if successful.
If you intend to do searches directly within Prowlarr, you need to add Download Clients. Otherwise, you do not need to add them here. For searches from your Apps, the download clients configured there are used instead.
In Settings > General > Security, configure an authentication method (if you don't place on securing it via any other methods).
In Settings > General > Proxy, set any Proxy settings if you have a VPN/proxy setup
PWM: MySQL Connector (select version 5.1.49 - Platform Independent):
Ensure you have MariaDB installed and operational. We recommend using Adminer to manage your MariaDB. Click to see how.
Download the MySQL/Java connector package from the section above.
Tip: if you receive constant redirects, in the address bar, remove everything past the port so it looks like this: (where SERVERIP is your server which PWM is running on)
Now that you have the basics set up, you can successfully use PWM to authenticate users and process user management. However, some addition config is recommended at your own discretion in the Configuration Editor. 1. Set up your SMTP setting to allow emails to work 2. Set up your reverse proxy and DNS entries to allow the address to work externally 3. Set up your password policies 4. There's plenty more PWM can do (over 400 settings). So take your time and enjoy the process.
IBRACORP - https://ibracorp.io YouTube: https://youtube.com/c/IBRACORP Discord - https://discord.gg/VWAG7rZ GitHub - https://github.com/ibracorp unRAID Forum - http://bit.ly/2MwDPTV Twitter - https://twitter.com/IBRACORP_IO
Disclaimer: we are in no way offically affiliated with the product below. We simply try to connect their work to a wider audience. We are not responsible or liable for any damages as result of following these instructions and are provided only for reference and assistance.
The instructions below are for installing the following on unRAID using Docker:
Website: https://www.authelia.com/
Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/authelia/authelia
We assume your environment has the following already setup and working:
NGINX Proxy Manager
Domain with the following subdomains (where 'example' is your domain and 'service' is the endpoint you want protected (i.e. monitorr.example.com)
Adjust/Create your own CNAMES where required.
This will not cover how to configure LDAP (see bottom), Traefik or Let’s Encrypt, however there are plenty of resources on how to do this, including the official docs of Authelia.
To make modifying easier we have tried to replace commonly required changes with a placeholder. This allows a quick Find/Replace in something like Notepad++ (which is highly recommended). All are explained in their respective steps later in this guide:
YOURPASSWORD - Password which you have set, with respect the section you are reading. i.e. MySQL password could be different to your Redis password.
YOURSECRET - A secret generated in 128-bit. You can use this site to generate them:
YOURDOMAIN - Your own domain name
SERVERIP - Local IP address of your unRAID server the containers run on. i.e.
CONTAINERPORT - Port the container being proxied is running on in unRAID. i.e. Monitorr could be using 480
CONTAINERNAME - Name of the container to be proxied. i.e. 'monitorr'
CONTAINERIP - IP address of the container.
Authelia requires the Redis container to work (as referenced in the configuration.yml) 1. In unRAID, visit the apps tab 2. Search for and install 'redis'. We are using the bitnami/redis container as it has parameters mapped for a password, which we will need to add into configuration.yml later. 3. In the template installation screen:
Authelia requires a MYSQL/MariaDB database container to work (as referenced in the configuration.yml) IF YOU DO NOT ALREADY HAVE SQL INSTALLED: 1. In unRAID, visit the apps tab 2. Search for and install 'mariadb'. We are using the linuxserver/mariadb container. 3. In the template installation screen:
Under Docker tab in unRAID, left click the mariadb container, select Console
Create our user:
Enter the following then hit enter:
Enter the password you set in the container settings then type:
This password will be referenced in configuration.yml
Create our database:
Enter the following then hit enter:
Allow privileges to the database:
Enter the following then hit enter:
This is the password you created for the user above.
Enter the following then hit enter:
You can now close the terminal window
Install Authelia via the Community Apps plugin in unRAID. Original template was created by (big thanks) lilfade (https://github.com/lilfade)
The container will stop after first run as the config file is missing and will be created automatically.
You should not need to change any settings unless the host port (default: 9091) will clash with any other containers.
In your appdata/authelia folder you will find:
You MUST edit this file to suit your domain, gmail (or other smtp) and environment. The sample provided in this repo has been tested and works, however, it is strongly advised to read the official docs on the configuration to ensure it meets your requirements (https://www.authelia.com/docs/configuration/)
Configure the file as required. We have placed our confirmed working config in this repo. Remember the placeholders which will need to be changed (listed at the top of this document).
For secret keys, you can create a 128-bit encryption to put in from here: https://www.allkeysgenerator.com/Random/Security-Encryption-Key-Generator.aspx
Remember to keep them different for the different areas which use them.
You will notice that LDAP has been commented out for this setup to use file backend instead. LDAP is beyond the scope of this document.
In our repo you will find the file named 'users_database.yml'.
Copy this file into your appdata/authelia folder. You MUST edit this file.
Adjust the file to the user you would like to sign in as. For help see here: https://www.authelia.com/docs/configuration/authentication/file.html
For password, create one here and then replace the encrypted line with your encrypted line: https://argon2.online/
Settings for creating the password on https://argon2.online/ as referenced in the configuration.yml:
Select Generate Hash
At this point you should start the Authelia container and read the logs. Test that you can reach the webui of Authelia (http://SERVERIP:9091) and can log in or setup 2FA.
The templates provided in this repo assume you have created a CNAME subdomain in your DNS for 'auth.example.com' and have a subdomain already working for your endpoint such as 'radarr.example.com'. 1. Modify the data inside 'Authelia Portal.conf' and 'Protected Endpoint.conf'. If no ports were changed in any of the above config, you should only need to change:
'Authelia Portal.conf':
'SERVERIP' = Local IP address of your unRAID server the containers run on. i.e.
'Protected Endpoint.conf':
'SERVERIP' = Local IP address of your unRAID server the containers run on. i.e.
'CONTAINERNAME' = Name of the container to be proxied. i.e. 'monitorr'
'CONTAINERIP' = IP address of the container.
'YOURDOMAIN' = Your own domain name.
Copy the data and head to your NPM dashboard > Hosts > Proxy Hosts
WARNING - if you use Cloudflare as the DNS for your domain, you must change the setting of the subdomain in Cloudflare to bypass proxy ONLY for this step. Seems to be fixed now.
Select Add Proxy Host
Domain name: auth.example.com (or whatever CNAME you set in your DNS)
Scheme: http
Forward Hostname / IP: Local IP address of your unRAID server
Port: 9091
Turn ON: Cache Assets, Block Common Exploits
Request new SSL certificate
Turn ON: Force SSL, HTTP/2 Support, HSTS Enabled (if using, i.e. in Cloudflare)
Email address: used to create Let’s Encrypt cert.
Select I Agree and Save.
REMINDER: after this is successful, return to Cloudflare and turn the proxy against auth.example.com back ON, or your server IP will be public.
Test that you can reach the webui of Authelia selecting the new proxy or typing in its address. i.e. 'auth.example.com'
NB: For some reason in the current version of NPM as of writing this (v2.2.4) the SSL settings turn off after initial creation. Go back into the SSL
settings of 'auth.example.com' and turn them back on then save again.
If all the above is working as intended; Edit proxy host 'auth.example.com'
Under Custom Nginx Configuration, paste the config you customised from 'Authelia Portal.conf'
Save and confirm you can still access the webui via the URL.
Edit proxy host 'sonarr.example.com'
Under Custom Nginx Configuration, paste the config you customised from 'Protected Endpoint.conf'
(Optional) If using services which use API to communicate with eachother such as Radarr, Sonarr or Lidarr, you may also need to add a location for the API in order to disable the authorization else it may fail to connect. Settings below are relevant to Sonarr and it's sister products. Be sure to check the docs of the service you are configuring.
Edit proxy host 'sonarr.example.com'
Custom Locations
Location: /api Scheme: http Forward Hostname/IP: SERVERIP/api Forward Port: 8686 Select gear icon: auth_request off;
Confirm you can connect to the API by using, for example, Ombi. TV > Sonarr > Test connection.
In theory the workflow is:
User (listed in the users file, but is not signed in) tries to connect to https://service.domain.com
User is redirected to https://auth.domain.com to sign in
User is given either single factor or second factor options, depending what is set on the subdomain in the configuration.yml
User signs in successfully and is redirected back to origin URL https://service.domain.com
Hope this is of assistance to you. Please provide feedback where required.
You may find when passing through Authelia successfully that the endpoint (i.e. Sonarr) has no login screen (if you had a login screen enabled). This is not related to Authelia, but rather NGINX. From personal experience performing the below may fix this. 1. Edit proxy host 'sonarr.example.com'
Under Custom Nginx Configuration, paste the below in above any location blocks
proxy_intercept_errors off;
Test again. If no change, try with it on or removed again.
If you are using LinuxServer.io LE container you need to add this under the server block for its out-of-the-box Authelia support to work:
If you are using the LSIO LE container, there's no need to utilize Authelia as its own subdomain reverse proxy.
If you want to use LDAP as your backend (which is recommended), here's the config we use in the Authelia YAML. Be sure to comment out the File Backend section when using this.
NOTE: This config is based on implementation with FreeIPA as our LDAP server. If using any other server such as OpenLDAP or Active Directory, you will need to adjust the user/group attributes and filters to suit. You must also modify the domain settings below to match your environment.
These instructions were provided by ThreeFN on our Unraid forum thread (link at top).
On Duo, you actually need TWO logins. The first is your admin account that sets-up your hostname/integration_key/secret_key via Partner Auth API. Now with with you need to go into the config for the Application->PartnerAuthAPI and add a user that is THE SAME NAME as the user you have in file/ldap and then EMAIL THEM which will give you the ability to enroll the phone app to that user. Then you can enroll that in authelia when you get to that point.
At any time, you can go directly to the Authelia page by typing in your URL set for it. i.e. auth.example.com.
If using the external database and Redis options (recommended), it's important to note that the startup order of your containers must be configured correctly. In unRAID: 1. On the Dockers page, select Advanced 2. Click and drag the rows of containers so that all database containers are higher on the list than Authelia 3. Next, beside the Autostart toggle, you can set a delay (in seconds) for the container to wait before starting the next container underneath it.
This is useful because it allows certain containers which take a while to start up and may have dependencies to have more time to finish.
If you are confronted with permissions issues when trying to edit the YML file, check your permissions by opening the console in unRAID and entering the following (after the #):
You may see the following:
Notice the last line, where it is not allowing editing. To fix this enter the following in the console:
Then check the permissions again:
You should now see this: