
Adding the dashboard using a custom container setup on Unraid.

The following page has been submitted by a community member and has not been extensively tested. Please submit any edits you think need to be made.

Going over and reading on the github issue, I decided the best way to go about adding the dashboard would be to manually setup a container in docker.

In Unraid, click Docker, then at the bottom click Add Container. Click Advanced

Docker Hub URL:

Icon URL:

WebUI: ( Change this if you change port on Host Port 1 )

Name: crowdsec-dashboard

Overview: Crowdsec metabase dashboard

Repository: metabase/metabase

Network type: ( I used a custom docker network )

Fixed IP: (Empty)

Console Shell Command: Shell

Privileged: Off

Host Port 1: 3000 ( Change if needed )

DB Location(Rename if wanted): Use Variable

--- Name: DB Location

--- Key: MB_DB_FILE

--- Value: /metabase.db

Host Key 1 (Rename if wanted): Use Variable

--- Name: Host Key 1

--- Key: depends_on

--- Value: crowdsec

Host Path 1 (Rename if wanted): Use Path

--- Name: Host Path 1

--- Container Path: /metabase-data/

--- Host Path: (Location of crowdsec.db)​

Click apply and start the container. Click and open the web page, fill in the information and choose sqlite.

Go into your crowdsec appdata and change permissions. I used chmod 777 crowdsec.db, but there are better ways to do this. From there the location used will be /metabase-data/crowdsec.db

Last updated