Below is an example of the config.yml which we will demonstrate
Please Note
While we do our best to keep the guide and configuration files up to date, it is always best to work with the latest information so please check the official repo for any changes.
Be sure to update all fields relevant to your environment including, but not limited to:
Plex, Sonarr, Radarr IP, API keys and Ports
Names of root folders and quality profiles exactly as they appear in your Sonarr/Radarr deployments
Trakt, TmDB, and Plex tokens/API keys
Unless you want PMM to fill your Sonarr and Radarr apps with large amounts of content when reading from metadata sources (i.e. Top 250 IMDB Movies), make sure the option to add is set to FALSE.
add: false
If you would like media to be added to Sonarr and Radarr but not be monitored, then you can enable the add argument but have the monitor option set to false.
add: true
monitor: false
If you are happy to download all of the missing media files as they are added then you can also set the search option to true. This will instruct Sonarr and Radarr to search for the file as soon as it is added.
add: true
monitor: true
search: true
We have done so in the config below for your convenience.
This config is using the Plex-Meta-Manager default collections, which provide a wide range of preconfigured collections and overlays for easy access.
The full complement of default collections and overlays with use and customization, are documented starting here.
## This file is a template remove the .template to use the file
libraries: # Library mappings must have a colon (:) placed after them
- file: config/Movies.yml
- pmm: basic
- pmm: studio
- pmm: genre
- pmm: actor
- file: config/TV.yml
- pmm: basic
- pmm: network
settings: # Can be individually specified per library as well
cache: true
cache_expiration: 60
asset_directory: config/assets
asset_folders: true
assets_for_all: false
sync_mode: append
show_unmanaged: true
show_filtered: false
show_missing: true
save_missing: true
run_again_delay: 2
missing_only_released: false
create_asset_folders: false
collection_minimum: 1
delete_below_minimum: false
tvdb_language: default
show_missing_assets: true
plex: # Can be individually specified per library as well
token: #####################
timeout: 60
clean_bundles: false
empty_trash: false
optimize: false
apikey: #####################
language: en
tautulli: # Can be individually specified per library as well
apikey: #####################
radarr: # Can be individually specified per library as well
token: #####################
version: v3
add: false
root_folder_path: /data/media/movies
monitor: true
availability: announced
quality_profile: HD - 720p/1080p
search: false
add_existing: false
sonarr: # Can be individually specified per library as well
token: #####################
version: v3
add: false
root_folder_path: /data/media/tv
monitor: all
quality_profile: Any
language_profile: English
series_type: standard
season_folder: true
search: false
cutoff_search: false
add_existing: false
client_id: #####################
client_secret: #####################
# Everything below this line is automatically generated
scope: public