Proxying an App with a HTTPS WebUI

By default, Traefik connects to the application's backend via HTTP. If the application exposes it's WebUI via HTTPS, then we will need to tell Traefik to use this protocol.

If you are using docker-compose then you simply need to add a single line to the compose files under labels:

    labels: https


You must replace app with the name of your application that this label is being added to otherwise Traefik will see duplicates.

To show you a full example, we will add the label to an existing docker-compose.yml file for Adminer.

version: '3'

    container_name: adminer
    image: adminer
      - proxy
      traefik.enable: true
      traefik.http.routers.adminer.entryPoints: https https
    restart: unless-stopped

    driver: bridge
    external: true

Now while in the same directory as the docker-compose.yml file, run the command docker-compose up -d and it should recreate the container for you with the latest labels. Now when you deploy your application, you will be able to visit it by going to your domain with the app name as the subdomain (APP-NAME.DOMAIN.COM).

In some cases, you may find that after changing the scheme to HTTPS, you will have to also specify the application's HTTPS port manually. You can do this by following the short guide on "Proxying an App with Multiple Exposed Ports".


Traefik will now use the HTTPS protocol specified to forward all traffic on to the app correctly.

Last updated

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