
To install IBRAMENU copy & paste the following line into your linux prompt. Be in a folder where you have write access. If in doubt use cd $home to use your home folder.

Install just IBRAMENU

As root user

wget -qO ./i && chmod +x i && ./i

As non root user

sudo wget -qO ./i && sudo chmod +x i && sudo ./i

Using all in the command will reboot your system automatically as part of the automation.

Install IBRAMENU, Updates/Upgrades, Docker and Tools

If you want to install IBRAMENU and automatically have it update and upgrade, install basic tools and docker / docker compose, without any user interaction, use:

As root user

wget -qO ./i && chmod +x i && ./i all

As non root use

sudo wget -qO ./i && sudo chmod +x i && sudo ./i all

IBRAMENU Supporter

As root user

wget -qO ./i && chmod +x i && ./i all <token>

As non root user

sudo wget -qO ./i && sudo chmod +x i && sudo ./i all <token>

Replace <token> with your personal Supporter token (no <>).

Currently works best with Ubuntu (Debian support is experimental)

Last updated